A Ministry/Apostolate Event
24/25 RCIA Journey 2024
The RCIA is a journey for you who are seeking the Catholic faith in
Jesus Christ. It prepare adults to be ready to receive the sacraments of
initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist). It does this
through a series of carefully structured catechesis based on the
Catechism of the Catholic Church. The sessions help you to know,
understand, and adopt the divine truths in Christian living.
The RCIA process consists of four stages:
I. Inquirer Stage (Pre-catechumenate)
This stage is for you, the Inquirer, to ask questions, be introduced to Gospel
values, and experience the beginnings of faith and encountering God. When
you are ready to continue to a deeper level of the faith, you will participate in
the Rite of Acceptance to be then called Catechumens.
II. Catechumenate Stage
At this stage, the Catechumen continues to nurture the faith through a series
of Catholic faith teachings. This includes participating in the Liturgy of the
Word at Sunday Mass. This stage will end with the Rite of Election/Enrolment
of Names for you if you are ready to reflect and consider to decide to receive
the sacraments of initiation. You will then be Elects.
III. Purification and Enlightenment Stage
This period is usually during the season of Lent, a time for the Elect to
personally reflect on their desire to make the commitment to Jesus, to
reflecton your-self in areas of your life that needs conversion. The RCIA
facilitates this by the celebration of the scrutinies and preparation for the
rites of the sacraments of initiation. At this stage, you are still free to make
a final decision whether you wish to be fully initiated into the church. No
one is forced to be baptised against their will.
IV. Mystagogy Stage
Now you are a Neophyte, have been initiated as a baptised Catholic, you
are fully a part of the community. This very short stage is a time to
consolidate your faith as a new-born in Christian living. This is end of the
RCIA processbut a beginning in your new life after being fully incorporated
into the Body of Christ. With the basic faith foundation laid in the RCIA, you
will continue to grow your faith through the sacraments, through the
community of faith, and through a lifelong process of faith formation and a
habitual prayer regime.
Above texts adapted from https://www.catholic.sg/becomingcatholic/
Furtherinformation is also found at this link.
Who Can Join the RCIA @ IHM Church?
If you are:
1. non-baptised adults, or
2. baptised Catholics but have not been confirmed, or
3. baptised Christians from other non-Catholic Churches wanting to join
the Catholic Church, or
4. journeying Catholics who is bringing someone in the above 3
categories but will not stay on after ROA, or
5. returning Catholics seeking to re-discover their Catholic faith and thus
be inserted into the community of faith.
How Can I Register for The RCIA?
Enquiries / Registration: Tel: 6288 9140 Email: gs.mhi @aicr
Starting 29 May 2024 (every Wednesday)
Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
24 Highland Road, Level 3,
IHM Parish Centre, Singapore 549115
Please set the reminder timing according to your needs