Parish Councils


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The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) is formed to serve the vision of the Church.
The Church consisting of the lay faithful, the ordained leaders, and the religious, come together to form one community where every member is responsible for the growth and mission of the Church.
The Council’s purpose is the promotion of active participation and co-responsibility of all the faithful in parish life. The team aims at the collaboration of the faithful with the Parish Priest to ponder and investigate pastoral concerns, and to formulate practical conclusions concerning them.
The Council emphasizes “pastoral” concerns pertaining to parish life and the function of the PPC is to investigate, ponder and to propose practical conclusions on pastoral matters such as Faith Formation, Spirituality, et al, whilst also taking into considerations the social and communal mission of the Church in reaching out and serving the poor and needy of the wider community.

Council Members and EXCO members are elected for a 2-years term during Parish Assembly.
The Council is presided by our Parish Priest with Council Members holding office and up to 14 EXCO Members.

The current PPC EXCO 2022/24 office bearers are:-

EXCO Members

Parish Financial Council

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The Parish Finance Council’s main purpose is to advise and assist the Parish Priest in the proper administration of the parish’s temporal matters such as financial resources, assets, et al, whilst fulfilling the Church’s mission for the sake of the Gospel.
 The Council reviews and monitors periodically the actual income and expenditure in the light of the annual budget.
The team also serves to advise the Parish Priest on the Church financial needs and resources in line with archdiocese guidelines.
The Council is presided by Fr Paul Ngo with the following holding office.

for any email regarding finance pleas email us at [email protected]