Liturgy of the Word with Children (LOWC)


Liturgy of the Word with Children (LOWC)

whatsapp image 2023 12 10 at 16.04.33
Three Kings at Advent Workshop 2023.

The Liturgy of the Word with Children (LOWC) is an adapted liturgical celebration which is centered on the Mass readings for that Sunday. It is “adapted” in the sense that it is made more easily comprehensible to young children so that they can participate better.

It is a simplified, truncated version of the liturgical text used in church. By doing so, we hope to aid the children to see and experience the beauty, wisdom and love contained in the Word of God.

Ultimately, we wish to see the children fully participating and appreciating the Liturgy of the Word as celebrated by the congregation in the Church.
Before the 1st Reading is proclaimed, the children leave the main assembly to gather at another designated area. During the sessions, skits, puppets, symbols, gestures and music are used to enhance the experience. After the Prayers of the Faithful, the children return to join the main congregation to take part in the Liturgy of the Eucharist with the adults.

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Frequently asked questions


Contact us
  • Why you should join

    Parishioners interested in sharing their Catholic Faith with children through Music, Theatre and in Breaking of the Word with them.
    We joyfully welcome parents, adults who are young at heart and young people who enjoy being with children.

  • Current number of members


  • Year Established


  • Vision/Mission Statement

    Let the Children Come to Me.

  • Age range of the members

    4 to 80

  • Member meetings

    Sessions with the Children
    During Lent: weekly
    Other Liturgical Seasons: Bi-monthly

    • Preparation Meeting for Sessions During Lent: weekly
    Other Liturgical Seasons: Monthly

    • Ad hoc events
    Advent Art and Craft Workshop
    Rosary leading
    Stations of the Cross
    As and when the need arises

Ministry Leaders

Meet our Members

Ministry Leaders, usually President and Excos lead the members spiritually for the love of god. Ministry Leaders, usually President and Excos lead the members spiritually for the love of god.

Ministry Leaders

Sharon Goh
Grace Chan-Tiong +65 9672 9264 [email protected]
Cherie Chuah

Past EVENT's by Liturgy of the Word with Children (LOWC)

Our blog

From the blog

Welcome to our Liturgy of the Word with Children (LOWC) blog! Here you will find insightful articles, reflections, and resources to deepen your faith and explore the beauty of our Catholic tradition. Join us on this spiritual journey as we strive to grow closer to God and live out our calling as disciples of Christ.