Hospitality Ministry (HM)
Our main function is to welcome parishioners coming for weekend Masses and Feast Days. Our responsibility is to ensure order in the Church during services and assist in the Liturgy during Offertory, Collection and Communion. We also oversee and direct traffic, coordinating for parishioners’ orderly parking in the car park.
The IHM Board Of Hospitality Ministry comprises of the Spiritual Director, 4 Office Bearers – Coordinator, Assistant Coordinator, Secretary and Treasurer, and 5 week-end Masses Group Leaders and Assistant Leaders. We also meet on the 15th of each month to pray the Rosary at the Grotto.
Frequently asked questions
Contact us
Why you should join
Any baptised Catholic who …..
Current number of members
Year Established
Estimated to be set up soon after IHM Church building was completed in May 1953.
Age range of the members
18 to 65
Member meetings
15th of each month to pray the Rosary at the Grotto.
Ministry Leaders