IHM Chinese RCIA

Faith Formation & Evangelisation

IHM Chinese RCIA

In October 2020, our Parish Priest, Fr. Paul Ngo celebrated  the first ever Chinese Mass in IHM.

It was then in COVID crowd control phase that this mass was usually attended by fewer than 50.
As COVID situation slowly easing and with the spread of mouth by parishioners, more and more people came to this mass.

Last year in the Maundy Thursday Chinese Mass, we had our first Chinese Choir singing.
Currently we usually have more than 200 in the congregation.

In the beginning of 2023, some Chinese speaking parishioners feedback that RCIA is necessary to make our pastoral work more complete for the Chinese speaking.
With the approval and encouragement from Fr Paul, we started Chinese RCIA.

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Frequently asked questions


Contact us
  • Why you should join

    Any baptised Catholic who …..

  • Current number of members


  • Year Established


  • Age range of the members

    18 to 65

  • Member meetings

    Frequency of meeting, venue, time etc.

Ministry Leaders

Meet our Members

Ministry Leaders, usually President and Excos lead the members spiritually for the love of god. Ministry Leaders, usually President and Excos lead the members spiritually for the love of god.

Ministry Leaders

CoordinatorPaul Lim
PlannersJoseph Tan
PlannersPeter Low
AdminCatherine Lee

Past EVENT's by IHM Chinese RCIA

  • 2024 年华文成人慕道班

    “我从那里来?我往那里去?〞 “我为什么活在这世上?〞 “天主教是什么?” “耶稣是谁?〞 “圣母是谁?” —- 如果你正在寻找以上信仰问题的答案 请来参加慕道课程   神师 : Rev Fr. Paul Ngo 讲员 : 资深讲员 开课日期 :..