Youth Worship Ministry

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Youth Worship Ministry

The Youth Worship Ministry is a vibrant group of young musicians dedicated to serving God through music.

We play a vital role during Youth Retreats, leading worship and uplifting spirits. Our ministry fosters fellowship and growth through workshops and sessions, where members can enhance their skills and deepen their faith.

If you’re passionate about music and eager to use your gifts in service to God, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey of worship and community!

Join our ministry

Join Ministry Form

Frequently asked questions


Contact us
  • Current number of members


  • Year Established


  • Vision/Mission Statement

    Our Mission

    Empowering the next generation of young musicians for the service of others, and above all to glorify God.

    Our Vision

    To evangelise through praise and worship.

  • Age range of the members

    17 to 35

  • Member meetings

    Weekly Sessions

    Details: Saturdays, 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM @ Youth Room

    In non-peak periods of our parish (Jan – Mar), we will have workshops to hone our technical skills, or embrace each other in fellowship.

    During peak periods (Apr – Dec), our sessions will be focused on practicing and preparing for the upcoming Youth retreats, such as Confirmation Camp.

    Saturday sessions are welcome to all!
    Do drop us a message to check if there is session that day.

Ministry Leaders

Meet our Members

Ministry Leaders, usually President and Excos lead the members spiritually for the love of god. Ministry Leaders, usually President and Excos lead the members spiritually for the love of god.

Ministry Leaders

Core TeamAmbrose Chua [email protected]
Core TeamMavis Soon
Core TeamMichael Tiong [email protected]
Youth CoordinatorJacob Bangar [email protected]